ASPIRE - Promoting Education and Opportunity

Career and College Readiness Summit

Career and College Readiness Summit
IMG_20151109_211749 IMG_20151028 IMG_3268 IMG_7519 IMG_7484The Career and College Readiness Summit was held in Ethete, WY on October 28th, 2015 and was open for all 9-12 grader Native Americas in Fremont County. ย Teffany Fegler, EOC Coordinator, was one of the main organizers of this event. ย Hattie Penny, EOC Coordinator, was one of the breakout session presenters. ย Over 430 students attended the all-day event from 8 different high schools. ย The summit consisted of the students attending 2 breakout sessions of their choice, presentations from Olympian Billy Mills and motivational speaker-Chance Rush, time at over 40 booths ranging from college/military/job corps/agencies, and a goal setting activity. ย Breakout sessions offered were Native Americans in STEM Careers, Vocational/Technical Careers, Scholarship/FAFSA, Native Americans in Education, Wind River Job Corp, Entrepreneurs/Money Sense, Journey to College, Job Seeking/Job Keeping Skills, and Succeeding in College Athletics.ย  During the goal setting activity, students decorated feathers by outlining their goals. Great feedback was given from the students through a google evaluation after the event. ย Plans are already being made for next yearโ€™s summit with goals of getting every Native American student in Fremont County to attend (potentially up to 650 students) and increase the number of booths from tribal colleges.
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