ASPIRE - Promoting Education and Opportunity


ASPIRE 2022-2023 Committees

TRIO Alumni

Purpose: Promoting the ASPIRE Alumni Association. Providing a network of social and professional support for former participants. Increasing awareness of the needs of disadvantaged students, and more.

1. Identify and encourage current alumni (both TRIO professionals and other) to register on the ASPIRE, Inc. and COE Alumni pages.
2. Encourage modification of close-out procedures that include registration of alumni on the ASPIRE, Inc. and COE Alumni pages.
3. Each state bringing an non-TRIO professional Alumni to the Policy Seminar in D.C.
4. Ensure each state has an established alumni network.

Andrea Reeve Scholarship

Description: The Andrea Reeve Scholarship committee selects the recipients of the scholarship.



Purpose:ย  The Archivist is responsible for the storage and maintenance of ASPIRE documents.

1. Documents to be maintained in the archives include, but are not limited to, Treasurerโ€™s documents, minutes, committee reports, conference materials, membership rolls, and State Reports.
2. Annually, at or immediately following the Annual Conference, the Archivist will collect, catalog, and file all appropriate documents from former ASPIRE officers and committee chairs.
3. ASPIRE will reimburse the Archivist for collapsible file drawers, file folders, and other supplies as needed to maintain the archives.

ASPIRE Development

Description: The ASPIRE Development (awards) is responsible for the selection of the recipients and purchases of all ASPIRE Awards.
Organizes fund-raising activities and COE Fair Share campaigns.

1. Solicit personal donations and project memberships, ensuring they are invoiced separately.
2. Coordinate with COE for ASPIRE development (publication package, institutional membership, presidentโ€™s council etc.)
3. Reconciles with the Treasurer regarding income from donations.
4. Determines recipients of development awards.
5. Works with Awards chair to ensure that appropriate development awards are ordered and presented at the annual conference.

ASPIRE Leadership Development

Purpose: Provides professional development for members interested in preparing for and participating in the leadership of ASPIRE and COE and developing their personal and professional leadership skills

1. Implement and coordinate the ALI as a pre-conference training at annual conference
2. Create and implement an Emerging Leaders strand focusing on the mechanics of a board at the state level conferences as a prerequisite into the ASPIRE Leadership Institute strand at the regional level conferences
3. Create and develop trainer of trainer strand of the Past President Council to be the trainers at the state level for ALI and serve as mentors to the ALI participants at the regional level.

Emerging Leadership Development (ELD) – Sub-Committee
Emerging Leaders: hones skills in effective project/campus/organization interaction through team-building, project accountability using CAS standards, meaning of leadership, being political, and practice in parliamentary procedures. Also includes, specific training for elected and appointed state and regional association positions including advanced skills for leading association membership in the areas of policy seminars, strategic planning; the treasury and fiduciary responsibility; and advanced parliamentary procedures.


Chair: ย ASPIRE Secretary

Members: ASPIRE Presidents

Purpose: To consider proposals for changes in the OGโ€™s By-Laws and to recommend changes in the By-Laws to the Board of Directors.

1. Completes revisions to the ASPIRE Bylaws and Operating Guidelines and review Bylaws for necessary changes
2. Reviews Operating Guidelines for internal consistency, compliance with Bylaws, and other beneficial changes; proposes amendments for consideration by the Board
3. Incorporates approved amendments into the Operating Guidelines prior to next regularly scheduled Board meeting
4. Updates the Bylaws and Operating Guidelines following the Annual Conference and transfers revised Bylaws and Operating Guidelines for the President Elect in a timely fashion
5. Posts updated Bylaws on the website as amended.

Corporate Development

Purpose: Advances the mission of ASPIRE through fundraising and professional development opportunities and partnership with corporations, foundations and businesses.

1. Create a financial plan for ASPIRE inclusive but not limited to: conference donations, expand donor development to include past TRIO Achievers grants and Alumni, and build personal contributions.
2. Develop incentive packages, as part of the corporate development strategy.
3. Seek out sponsorships for state TRIO day celebrations, and local, state, and national advocacy events


Purpose: Under the direction of the Board, the Conference Committee plans, implements, and evaluates the ASPIRE Annual Conference. The Conference Committee Chair will oversee the conference and utilize subcommittees to organize and carry out the Annual Conference. Subcommittees will be co-chaired by one ASPIRE board member and a representative of the host state. Representatives from the host state will be submitted to the ASPIRE board at the board meeting immediately following the annual conference, and one year prior to the host states conference. One board member will be assigned as co-chair to each committee at that same meeting. Subcommittee co-chairs will report regularly to the Conference Committee Chair and coordinate with each other.

Subcommittees may include, but are not limited to, the following: Agenda, Logistics, Registration

Charges: Develop a marketing plan for the annual conference.
1. Develop a marketing plan for the 2021 annual conference to be held in South Dakota.
2. Provide ALI as a pre-conference session.
3. Include an Alumni and TRIO Achievers Reception.
4. Goal of $10,000 in revenue from sponsorships, ads and exhibitors.
5. Goal of 250 or more in attendees.

Committee Chair: ASPIRE Treasurer

Committee Members: ASPIRE Presidents and one appointed board member

ASPIRE Bookkeeper: Workmosis – Brenda Olsen

Purpose: To prepare an annual budget for review and approval by the Board; to ensure an annual audit of the financial affairs of ASPIRE; and to provide guidance in matters pertaining to the fiscal affairs of ASPIRE.

1. Planning and monitoring the ASPIRE budget for the current fiscal year.
2. Prepare and present quarterly reports in preparation for yearly accounting charges.
3. Create and monitor MOU with bookkeeping firm.
4. Host budget training with State Associationsโ€™ officers.

Governmental Relations

Purpose: The Governmental Relations Committee disseminates legislative, Council for Opportunity in Education (COE), and Department of Education (ED) information to the membership, coordinating with COE in Education Government Relations Committee.

1. Disseminate pertinent information regarding legislative issues relevant to college access and success programs.
2. Provide training and support on effective local and state advocacy.
3. Encourage states to take TRIO participants to our local representatives and bring national representatives to our TRIO participants.
4. Continue to identify and cultivate strategic relationships with elected officials, corporate entities, and others to advance college access and success.


Purpose: Promoting and increasing the ASPIRE membership through distribution of membership materials and providing information to new ASPIRE TRIO personnel.

1. Update and distribute the ASPIRE membership application (webpage)
2. Coordinates with State Presidents to verify accuracy of information.
3. Send ASPIRE members letters thanking them for their support and for joining ASPIRE.
4. Contact individuals not paying correct membership and solicit membership from those who have lapsed in membership.
5. Send membership to all pertinent conference committees and parliamentarian for regional business meetings.

Native American

Purpose: The Native American Committee coordinates training and professional development needs for personnel who work with American Indian programs, advocates for Native Americans within TRIO, and encourages participation through professional development & best practices of Tribal Colleges within ASPIRE.

1. Create and implement Phase I -Trainer of Trainers for Tribal Colleges with a portion of the Wells Fargo Grant
2. Create and implement Phase II โ€“ Proposal Writing Training with remaining Grant funds
3. Provide professional development opportunities for members within TCU structure.

Purpose: The Elections Committee educates ASPIRE members on the duties, responsibilities, benefits, and importance of ASPIRE offices; encourages and secures nominations for the offices of ASPIRE; and supervises the election process during the Annual Conference.

Charges: Investigate ways to encourage and expand the pool of candidates and alternatives for conducting ASPIRE elections. Conduct ASPIRE annual elections in accordance with current by-laws.


Professional Development

Purpose: Enhance professional development through the experience, tradition, and rich history of members who have previously served ASPIRE.

1. Develop and maintain current contact information for retirees and long-time members of ASPIRE.
2. Coordinate activities for retirees and long-time members no longer working with a TRIO program designed to continue their involvement with ASPIRE and the TRIO community.
3. Coordinate efforts with ASPIRE Development Chair to solicit personal donations from potential members.

Public Relations

Purpose:ย The Public Relations Committee coordinates all public relations activities for ASPIRE, relating to media relations.

1. Improve media presence throughout the region to improve member engagement and advocacy efforts.
2. Development of regional marketing material such as brochures, handouts, etc.,
3. Use the ASPIRE webpage and Workplace to list, sync, and distribute successful media relations to
other regions, agencies, and COE.
3. Review and update websites to ensure all current ASPIRE forms and Board information is available.
4. Archive all previous year forms and board information.
5. Increase awareness of and competition for regional conference waivers.

Social Justice

Purpose: Act as a resource and advisory committee on various social justice issues facing our students to ASPIRE members.

1. Assist with volunteer project at regional annual conference.
2. Offer professional development opportunities to engage staff in critical social justice issues to better equip them to create more equitable programs and services.
3. Assist each state in hosting TRIO Day celebrations.

State Initiative

Purpose: Encourage state associationโ€™s to innovate supports for their programs and students. Enhance their ability to serve through procural of the Spraggins grant program and other COE leadership initiatives.

1. Act as a liaison to the COE State Leadership Committee, coordinate regional and state initiatives, and act as a resource to state chapter presidents on state initiatives and activities.
2. Promote the application to COEโ€™s state initiative Spraggins grant program and nominate state chapter of excellence awards to all state presidents.
3. Encourage attendance by state and regional leadership at COE state leaders caucus and leadership institute.