ASPIRE: What's In it For Me?

As part of the ASPIRE Emerging Leaders Development Program, ND and SD ASPIRE will be offering “ASPIRE: What’s In it For Me?” This is a virtual leadership seminar for ND and SD college access professionals. It will take place Thursday, May 7th from 2:00—3:30 p.m. Central Time. The event will take place via Zoom. You will be sent a link via email and need to register on Zoom after you have paid for this event. Only registered participants will be able to participate. After you have registered you will receive the Zoom meeting link. Seminar Information Presenters: ASPIRE Board President, Theresa Rader; former ASPIRE Board Presidents Dawn Eckhardt and Derek Sporbert Topics covered: ·         TRIO and ASPIRE history (Theresa Rader) ·         The legacy of North Dakota and South Dakota chapters of ASPIRE (Theresa Rader) ·         Opportunities in ASPIRE (Dawn Eckhardt) ·         Getting started in leadership (Dawn Eckhardt) ·         TRIO advocacy (Dawn Eckhardt and/or Derek Sporbert) ·         Identifying, nurturing, and supporting new leaders in your program (Derek Sporbert) ·         Being an effective mentor (Derek Sporbert)  
  • ASPIRE: What’s In it For Me?
     May 7, 2020
     2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

Venue:   Online via Zoom

Venue Phone: FOR SUPPORT ONLY Call 218-779-9035

Venue Website: