North Dakota ASPIRE’s mission is to “increase the educational and success opportunities for low-income and first-generation college students through professional development and legislative advocacy”. In order to achieve this mission, four strategic goals have been established.
State Leadership:
- Annually coordinate logistics of professional development for the state meetings.
- Develop clear expectations for Emerging Leaders Institute to include but not limited to: registration process, faculty, enrollment and member responsibilities.
- Initiate a committee structure for the completion of tasks in the Strategic Plan.
- Provide ‘financial’ resources for state president to attend ASPIRE board meeting and policy seminar.
- Increase personal and business partnerships by 10% biannually.
- Partnerships developed with other state associations for development initiatives training and networking.
- Keep website updated, state Fact book on annual basis more use of social media.
- Work with alumni to create a North Dakota TRIO Alumni Association.
- Will provide students and alumni with opportunities to gain a better understanding of Trio.
- Financially support students and alumni to attend and advocate for TRIO as part of Policy Seminar, annually by Trio Directors
- Regular updates for website, Fact Book, Facebook.
State Initiative:
- Increase personal and business partnerships by 10% biannually.
- Lead the membership in legislative advocacy efforts through communication and professional development. (With Professional Development Committee; Train membership and leadership to best advocate for students and programs through (policy preparation and training, regional/state)
- Engage students and alumni in legislative initiatives and other advocacy opportunities.
- Facilitate communication and awareness of current issues (legislation, regulations, DOE) More visibility and commitment from campuses.
- Contact with legislators.
Professional Development Committee:
- Develop and disseminate a needs assessment to ASPIRE members. Tabulate results to determine training needs and preferences of ASPIRE Members attending state conferences.
- Identify 2 models of training for professional development.
- Annually develop targeted learning opportunities for each program area (5) while addressing the needs of the seasoned professionals and professionals new to ND ASPIRE.
- Coordinate logistics of professional development activities for the state meetings.
- Provide educational/training opportunities for ND ASPIRE program participants inclusive of students, Trio members and Professionals.
- Train membership and leadership to best advocate for students and programs through (policy preparation and training, regional/state.
Alumni Committee:
- Annually recognize a ND State Trio Achiever.
- Explore pro/con of utilizing social media (such as Facebook and Twitter) to promote programs to current students, alumni, and other TRIO organizations.
- Regular updates for website, Fact Book, Facebook.
- Offer Alumni opportunities to become a member of ASPIRE.
Membership Committee:
- Annually coordinate logistics of professional development for the state meetings.
- Maintain membership level of 80% of eligible TRIO professionals in North Dakota. Membership Committee reports status at state meetings 2xp/year.
- Strive for 90% of Trio programs to purchase project memberships
- Annually encourage student memberships with the state ASPIRE organization.
- Annually work with alumni to create a North Dakota TRIO Alumni Association.
- On a Quarterly basis communicate benefits, needs and opportunities of ASPIRE membership.
- Increase communication with the membership on issues related to activities that ensure continued existence (website, state conferences, and email).
Development Committee:
Annually work to gain more funding for North Dakota ASPIRE.