Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Programs

Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Programs

Program Description:
The Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program provides opportunities at the undergraduate and graduate levels for research or other scholarly activities at the institution or at graduate centers designed to provide students with effective preparation for doctoral study.

Participant Eligibility:
To receive assistance through the McNair Program, students must be enrolled in a degree program at an eligible institution. In all projects, two-thirds of the participants must be low-income, first generation college students. The remaining participants must be from a group that is under-represented in graduate education.

Sponsoring Institutions:
McNair Programs may only be sponsored by institutions of higher education.

Application/Funding Process:
Fiscal year 1989 was the first year of funding for the McNair Program. Grants are awarded for four years. Second, third, and fourth year funding is based on approval of the non-competing continuation application. The grant competitions are held every five years.

Services Provided by Ronald E. McNair Program
• Opportunities for research
• Summer internships
• Tutorial services
• Academic counseling
• Seminars
• Assistance in obtaining student financial aid
• Assistance in securing admission to graduate programs
• Assistance for enrollment in graduate programs
• Seminars
• Mentoring programs
• Exposure to cultural events