Andrea Reeve Degree Advancement Scholarship
The Andrea Reeve Degree Advancement Scholarship will be awarded to ASPIRE members who are attempting to increase their degree attainment from an accredited institution of higher education. Eligible degrees are: Doctoral Degrees, Master’s Degrees, Master’s Certificates, Bachelor Degrees, and Associate Degrees.
Eligibility Requirements:
The successful candidate will:
*Be accepted to a regionally accredited institution in an eligible degree program.
*Have paid at least three years of membership in the ASPIRE region.
*Current members of the ASPIRE Board are not eligible.
*Applicants must apply for the scholarship each year.
*The scholarship will be sent directly to the institution the applicant is admitted, in their name.
Each question will be scored through an anonymous process by readers comprised of volunteers from within the ASPIRE region. Reader scores will be averaged and awards will be made accordingly.
Application Deadline:ย
The application deadline for scholarships is April 1, 2025.