Hello, ASPIRE! South Dakota ASPIRE received a Spraggins Grant to use for a TRIO Day advocacy initiative. The photos included here are of our postcards (front and back) that will be filled out by our students and then sent to...
The ASPIRE Native American Committee would like to share information about the state of education and life in general for Native Americans in our region. Over the next few months, we will periodically share short videos and documentaries about Native...
Today, as the entire nation seeks peace and justice, ASPIRE Inc. stands in solidarity with Black communities, including our TRIO professionals, students, participants and alumni impacted daily by racism, violence, and systemic oppression. We support and stand collectively to...
Mikaela Elder, a current participant in the Student Support Services Academic Advancement Center at Colorado State University, was recently awarded the Barry Goldwater Scholarship. Regarded as the most prestigious scholarship given to undergraduate students in the natural sciences, engineering, and...
In late March, the weekend before the MTASPIRE state conference, TRIO SSS programs across the state held the first (hopefully) annual TRIO Student Leadership Conference in Helena, MT. Staff from several TRIO SSS programs planned the training over several months...
Senator John Thune was on the Dakota Wesleyan University campus last week during the National TRIO Day. We talked with him about the reauthorization of higher education, and I thought it went well. In addition, one of our students did...
TRIO Day was a huge hit! We invited all programs and their students throughout the state to celebrate with us in Denver at the State Capitol. We had over 100 attendees – the most we’ve seen so far, a lot...
The ASPIRE Community Service Project at the 2018 ASPIRE Conference in Missoula, Montana was to help this project. https://kxlf.com/cnn-regional/2019/02/13/um-unveils-new-resource-to-combat-student-hunger/